Bosch Thermotechnology

More Info on Bosch Thermotechnology

Products & Press Releases

Building Systems/O&M

QV Series

Bosch Thermotechnology has released a series of ultra-quiet heat pumps, the QV Series, for commercial spaces in multiple sizes and both horizontal and vertical configurations....
Building Systems/O&M

Combination Separator

Bosch Thermotechnology’s Stainless Steel Boiler (SSB) System is complete with the addition of the Low Loss Header (LLH) accessory. The 4-in-1 combination separator incorporates...
Building Systems/O&M

QV Series Heat Pumps

The QV Series is a family of ultra-quiet heat pumps for commercial spaces in multiple sizes and both horizontal and vertical configurations. The QV Series, a Florida Heat Pump...

Bosch Greentherm 9000

The Bosch Greentherm 9000 Series offers 9 models for high-efficiency domestic hot water with features for easy installation, operation and maintenance. Features a Uniform Energy...
Building Systems/O&M

Climate 6000 AH Semi-Custom Commercial Air Handlers

Climate 6000 AH Semi-Custom Commercial Air Handlers are constructed for serviceability and efficiency through access availability from the left- or right-hand side of the unit...
Building Systems/O&M

Buderus SSB Industrial Boiler

The Buderus SSB industrial boiler meets demands up to 4096 MBH, making it ideal for large-scale applications like schools, hotels, or warehouses. Delivers increased capacity with...
Building Systems/O&M

Greenstar Combi 100P

The Greenstar Combi 100P is a simplified boiler that provides heat and up to 2.6 GPM of domestic hot water in a single compact, wall-mounted unit that’s ideal for multifamily ...

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