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This Vinyl Composition Tile (VCT) Collection Infuses Education Spaces with Energy

A set of 25 vibrant colors lets users create accents, borders, wayfinding and custom insets that make a bold statement.

This Heterogeneous Sheet Withstands Tough Healthcare Environments

The three designs in the Zenscape collection are inspired by natural elements.

This Heterogeneous Sheet Flooring Creates Harmonious Healthcare Spaces

Inspired by the organic beauty of wood gains, it channels calming energy.
Ahf Armstrong Flooring™ Medintone™ Homogenous Sheet

Armstrong Flooring Medintone Homogenous Sheet

Protects the health and wellbeing of occupants in healing and learning environments.
Ahf Armstrong Flooring Natralis 70013 Waikiki

Armstrong Flooring Natralis Commercial Homogenous Vinyl Sheet

Inspired by North American landscapes and natural “spot” patterns.
Ahf Contract Expressive Ideas

Expressive Ideas

Vinyl-based tile for commercial installations.

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