
UL Launches Photometric Database for Lighting

May 24, 2017

Compare verified characteristics and gain product transparency.

A new database will verify the photometric data of lighting products against ISO/EN 13032 and LM 79 standards, offering lighting consumers a simple and transparent way to compare lighting products and find the ones they need.

The database is a partnership of UL and Relux Informatik Ag, a company that produces lighting planning and product presentation software. Lighting manufacturers submit their products to UL’s marketing claim verification program, where UL confirms that the photometric data the manufacturer offers is correct.

Verified data is then uploaded into the Relux database, where consumers can safely assume listed products are reliable and compare them with each other more easily.

Verified products will be marked with a UL logo referencing EN 13032, according to UL. The two organizations aim to simplify the process of choosing the right lighting, which can be difficult when declaring lighting characteristics is left up to each manufacturer.

Self-declared claims were previously the only way to search for products with specific performance characteristics, even though the way such data is presented may be difficult to verify or compare against other products.

“Performance in the lighting industry is and will be an increasingly important factor in market product differentiation,” says Roberto Inclinati, Global Commercial Leader in UL’s lighting division. “This marketing claim verification program with the UL Verified Mark and the agreement with Relux support our effort to offer additional guidance to lighting designers, architects and all professionals who demand qualified lighting. This new Verified Mark will enable manufacturers to stand out from the competition.”

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