To aid in furthering its mission to educate the public about the importance of balanced fire protection, the Fire Equipment Manufacturers’ Association (FEMA) released on March 16 a portable fire extinguisher training video on YouTube.
Designed for both professional and lay audiences, the video is only two minutes long and guides viewers through the process of assessing a potential fire situation and using a portable fire extinguisher in the event of an emergency.
“The foremost goal of the video is to equip the public with the basic knowledge of how to address a fire safety situation and properly use a portable fire extinguisher,” said Fred Goodnight, portable division chair of FEMA. “With the popularity and vast accessibility of social media such as YouTube, this creatively designed video has the potential to reach masses of people with an essential life- and property-saving message.”
The Fire Equipment Manufacturers’ Association recommends portable fire extinguishers as one component for a complete, balanced fire protection design, along with other components such as standpipe rack hose stations, automated suppression systems, smoke detectors, and fire alarms. A balanced fire protection design may help minimize safety risks in commercial buildings by providing multiple channels for fire notification and protection.
To view the portable fire extinguisher training video, visit
For more information on FEMA and fire safety and protection, visit, or call 216/241-7333.