Upgrade Your VAV System to a Trane EarthWise Intelligent Variable Air System
Trane® EarthWise™ Intelligent Variable Air Systems can be the most efficient solution to your building’s heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) needs, saving energy, installation costs and time.
Variable air volume (VAV) systems have a proven track record of reliable, efficient performance. Using new design strategies and advanced technologies, Trane EarthWise™ Intelligent Variable Air Systems can be 20 to 30 percent more efficient than traditional VAV systems.
Optimized system control strategies
At the core of an Intelligent Variable Air System are optimized system control strategies that Trane has pre-packaged with its Tracer™ system and equipment controllers.
Fan-pressure optimization. The Tracer® SC system-level controller continually polls the individual VAV controllers, looking for the VAV terminal with the most-open damper. The duct static pressure setpoint for the supply fan is then dynamically reset to provide just enough pressure so that at least one damper is nearly wide open. At part-load conditions, the supply fan is able to operate at a lower static pressure, which results in less energy use, lower sound levels and reduced risk of fan surge.
Ventilation optimization. Tracer SC reduces the energy required to condition outdoor air brought in for ventilation by combining various demand-controlled ventilation strategies (carbon dioxide sensors, occupancy sensors or time-of-day schedules) at the zone level, using each where it best fits, with the ventilation reset equations (prescribed by ASHRAE Standard 62.1) at the system level to determine how much outdoor air must be brought in at the air-handling or rooftop unit to satisfy all zones served at any given operating condition.
Supply-air temperature (SAT) reset. Tracer SC balances cooling, reheat and fan energy by keeping the SAT setpoint cold when it is warm outside, thereby taking advantage of the significant energy savings from unloading the fan and avoiding elevated indoor humidity levels. The SAT setpoint is reset upward during mild and cold weather to enhance the benefit of the airside economizer (thereby saving cooling energy) and minimize reheat energy use. Tracer also monitors the current temperature in each zone and will lower the SAT setpoint if needed to prevent any zones from overheating.
Fast, simple retrofits
Don’t let your existing control system limit the performance of your building. Upgrading an existing system to a Trane Intelligent Variable Air System can be a fast, trouble-free process. Wireless technology, retrofit dampers and pre-packaged controls reduce installation cost, time and inconvenience to building occupants.
Retrofit VAV dampers. The Round-in/Round-out VAV unit is a retrofit product designed to simplify upgrading existing, older VAV terminal units, or to upgrade existing constant volume systems to VAV systems. Relay kits allow the existing heating coil and/or fan to be reused; only the controls and damper are changed. These retrofit dampers are particularly well-suited for upgrading old pneumatic or non-communicating electronic controls to a data-rich, communicating DDC VAV system. Your old VAV system can become a high-performance, Intelligent Variable Air System with minimal occupant disruption.
Wireless controls. Trane Wireless Comm eliminates the wire between equipment and system controllers, and between equipment controllers and zone sensors, for faster project completion, less disruption to building occupants, increased location flexibility and life-cycle savings. Wireless mesh, maximum range and conformance to the ZigBee™ Building Automation standard provide reliable, expandable operation for the life of the building.
Performance you can see, operation you can control
A reliable, trouble-free Trane Intelligent Variable Air System can help keep occupants comfortable and satisfied, reducing hot/cold complaints and tenant turnover. Built-in, easy-to-understand “dashboards” give your operators essential information about system operation and efficiency. This information can help identify and resolve potential problems before building occupants are affected.
For even more peace of mind, Trane Intelligent Services can help sustain the system’s high level of performance by providing 24/7 remote monitoring, as well as continuous system analysis to warn you about possible system malfunctions, translating data into actionable solutions for improving system performance.
Together, these advantages make your investment in a Trane EarthWise™ Intelligent Variable Air System an investment in advanced technology — one that can help your property compete in the decades ahead.