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Preparing for Re-Entry

July 26, 2021

Strategies for Working, Living and Learning in the Post-Pandemic World

As more in-person business is taking place and life is returning to “normal.” It’s time for us to ask ourselves: what did we learn from the past year and a half, and how did COVID affect the way we do things in our buildings?

This eHandbook attempts to answer those questions and more. A panel of experts share the latest thinking on new paradigms for the workplace—whether that workplace is a hybrid office or a work-from-home space. It explores how students learn best and how education spaces might look different in the coming years.

The new eHandbook also reviews the benefits of touchless technology and includes products and resources to help you on your next building project.

What's inside:

Part 1: The Hybrid Model: A New Paradigm for Work

Part 2: WFH: What We’ve Learned

Part 3: Education: What We Know About Learning Now

Part 4: Staying Safe with Touchless Tech

Part 5: Resources

Part 6: Products

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