
Feb. 26, 2024
This customizable acoustic wall application is made of sheep’s wool.

Mozaik is an acoustic wall application that uses automation to customize and assemble mosaics from any source of inspiration. Large and small patterns are created with 2-inch individual square tiles, which are available in more than 90 colors of wool felt and are designed to fit together seamlessly for simple, straightforward installation. Start with five customizable designs by Boston-based designer Kelly Harris Smith: Checker, Gingham, Twill, Waffle and Weave.

Developed in partnership with Artaic, Mosaik combines the sound-softening magic of pure wool felt with modern technology. The nonwoven textiles are made from sheep’s wool, water and plant-based textile dyes, making it biodegradable with the ability to be commercially composted. FilzFelt is landfill-free; offcut material is donated and available for purchase online.