This Combination System of Seating, Surfaces and Planters Prioritizes Flexibility

April 24, 2024
Designed with Industrial Facility, Plains & Pods work together or independently.

Plains & Pods is a system of seating, surfaces and planters created in partnership with the London-based design studio Industrial Facility. As two sibling products, Plains & Pods work together or independently and are unified by minimalist, non-prescriptive design that prioritizes flexibility, adaptability and user autonomy.

Plains is comprised of large-format platforms and a trestle that vary in height and width to create customizable settings of layered seating and surfaces. Its curvilinear counterpart, Pods, is a family of seating and planters designed to be grouped together in clusters of respite space and greenery. The interplay between Plains’ crisp right angles and Pods’ friendly curves offers opportunities for aesthetically rich installations.