Spearheaded by the New York Power Authority (NYPA), the Energy Efficiency Innovation Collaborative (EE-INC) is a public-private partnership of energy industry leaders. The collaborative is looking to improve energy efficiency in New York State buildings and spur economic growth in emerging technologies, bringing new and expanding businesses to the state.
“The goal of this collaborative is to spur the growth of the most promising energy-saving innovations, with a focus on those that match the energy needs of public buildings,” said Gil C. Quiniones, president and chief executive officer of NYPA.
NYPA, which has plans to finance more than $800 million in energy efficiency projects over the next several years in support of the Build Smart NY initiative, is looking to incorporate emerging energy-saving technologies into the projects that it is undertaking at schools, colleges and universities, offices, health-care facilities, and other public buildings throughout the state.
Through a Request for Information (RFI), EE-INC is seeking commercial, but not yet widely deployed, energy efficiency technologies that can be considered for use in these projects.
For more information on EE-INC and the RFI process, please go to www.eeinc-ny.com.