A new independent nationwide survey reveals three out of four Americans are supportive of green schools. The survey, sponsored by United Technologies Corp. and the U.S. Green Building Council’s Center for Green Schools, explores American’s attitudes toward the country’s public school buildings and investments to modernize school infrastructure.
The survey results show that 90% of Americans think it is important to improve public school buildings. More than half of those surveyed, 54%, would rate K-12 school buildings and infrastructure in the United States as poor or fair at best.
“The results of this nationwide survey are a call to action for elected officials and school leaders across the country,” said Rachel Gutter, director of the Center for Green Schools at USGBC. “Nine out of 10 Americans believe that it’s time for us to invest in transforming aging school facilities into 21st century learning environments.
More than half of Americans surveyed also feel that the U.S. does not spend enough money on buildings and infrastructure in K-12 schools. While 49% would donate to a green schools cause and 43% would volunteer time to green their own schools.
The Center for Green Schools estimates it will cost $271 billion to bring school buildings up to working order and comply with laws. If additional steps are taken to ensure schools meet today’s education, safety, and health standards, the Center estimates that figure grows to $542 billion.
The independent survey of 500 Americans was conducted via telephone from Oct. 31– Nov. 4, 2013 by David Binder Research.