Green careers that support sustainability goals and initiatives may have been harder to acquire in the past, but the Alliance Green Campus program is starting a new trend.
98% of Green Campus alumni state that they support sustainability after graduation, regardless of the line of work they fall into (and for some, that’s facility management).
A poll of Green Campus interns from 2005-2010 revealed 83% currently hold a “green job”, defined as work that makes a substantial contribution to preserving or restoring environmental quality.
"These findings are significant," says Alliance Senior Director of Education Jo Tiffany. "Even when national unemployment remains high, Green Campus interns are finding meaningful jobs in which they can advance energy efficiency. In addition, encouraging college grads to undertake careers that advance energy efficiency is a top Green Campus Program goal."
Green Campus helps students build pathways to green careers by empowering the paid interns and other students to spearhead energy-saving initiatives on their campuses through trainings, classes and volunteer opportunities.
They are then prepared to enter the green workforce well versed not only in technical energy concepts but also in project management, writing and making presentations.
For more information on green careers and the Alliance Green Campus Program, visit
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