Big City Adventures in Building Science:
Sherlock Holmes and the Physics of Forensics
AIA New York
Diagnosing performance problems requires a firm understanding of building physics. Joseph Lstiburek, principal of Building Science Corporation, will cover fundamental topics such as testing for rain and air leakage, mold, IR scans, and pressure field mapping.
September 11, 2013
The Center for Architecture
Sea Change: Shifting Relationships between Sustainability and Resilience
USGBC New York City Chapter
This conference addresses the building industry’s preparedness to meet the challenges of a changing climate. Speakers will present the case for sustainable and resilient buildings and debate the real and perceived changes in the development and financing of buildings due to risks associated with climate change.
September 30, 2013
Bloomberg New Energy Finance
(Levington Ave)
World Architecture Day
AIA New York
Join architects, developers, engineers and city officials for a three-day summit challenged with examining one of the biggest issues over the next couple of decades: how to sustainably accommodate our growing population. Explore a range of ground-breaking initiatives that could provide a key to housing the world’s next billion people.
October 6-8, 2013
The Center for Architecture
USGBC New York
Upstate Chapter
Presenter Edward Smyth is a principal at DNV KEMA. He has 15 years of experience in the energy industry designing and conducting evaluations and implementation for state- and utility-based energy efficiency programs. He is currently the project manager for the NYSERDA HVAC Business Partners program.
October 9, 2013
Corning Community College
FMP Credential Workshop –
Leadership and Strategy Essentials
This is a preparation course for IFMA’s Facilities Management Professional certification. The course is designed to assist facility professionals seeking certification with preparation for the competency-based examinations. This workshop will include information on planning strategically, leading and managing the facility organization, and providing leadership to the entire organization.
October 17, 2013
Dechert LLP
13th Annual
SyracuseCoE Symposium on Environmental and Energy Systems:
Urban Reinvention and
USGBC New York Upstate Chapter
This symposium will feature the latest results from collaborators that are developing innovations for environmental and energy systems. Featured speaker Nancy Grimm is director of the Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) program, lead author for the U.S. National Climate Assessment, and senior sustainability scientist at the Global Institute of Sustainability.
October 21-22, 2013
Syracuse, NY