ID 349442184 © Yuri Arcurs |
It’s a good idea to conduct facility condition assessments on your buildings every five years.
Building Systems/O&M

Facility Condition Assessments: What You Need to Know

This invaluable service lays out your building improvement priorities for the short and long term. Here’s what you can expect.
ID 297648142 © Andrey Popov |
Resiliency & Sustainability

Unlocking Demand Response for Enterprise ESG Goals: A Guide for Facility Managers

Demand response helps ensure energy reliability for your whole community—and it contributes to your environmental and economic goals.
ID 109695029 © Wdnetagency |
Energy & Water Efficiency

Can Building Water Systems Be Both Healthy and Green?

Water safety and sustainable operation don’t have to be at odds. Here’s how you can achieve both goals.
ID 177398987 © Melpomenem |
Smart Buildings

AI and Facility Management: How to Avoid Potential Pitfalls

Artificial intelligence can help property professionals work smarter and make better decisions—but it’s not a silver bullet.


Courtesy of Gorodenkoff | Getty Images
Exterior view of building with technology icons overlaid on facade representing smart building.
Smart Buildings

How The Stargate Project Could Revolutionize Smart Buildings with AI-Driven Innovation

A U.S. government-backed AI initiative could transform smart buildings with accelerated design, predictive energy optimization, and advanced security. Here’s what building owners...



What is ASHRAE 90.1?

ASHRAE 90.1, a globally influential energy efficiency standard for commercial buildings, establishes minimum requirements for new construction, additions, and systems. The 2022...
Decarbonization/Net Zero

Decarbonizing the Built Environment: How Technology and Collaboration Are Shaping a Sustainable Future

The AECO industry is embracing data-driven decisions, innovative materials, and collaborative initiatives to reduce carbon footprints and achieve sustainability goals.

Striking the Balance: Ventilation Strategies for Optimal Indoor Air Quality and Energy Efficiency

Explore the challenges of maximizing indoor air quality while minimizing energy consumption, the impact of outdoor air quality extremes, and innovative solutions to create healthier...