The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are recognizing 118 awardees for their commitment to saving energy and protecting the environment.
Recipients of the 2013 Energy Star Partner of the Year Award include Sears Holdings Corporation, PepsiCo, JC Penney, Food Lion, USAA Real Estate, Loudoun County Public Schools in Virginia, and Toyota.
“This year's Energy Star award winners have gone above and beyond to save energy and cut greenhouse gases,” says EPA Acting Administrator Bob Perciasepe. “Their commitment to superior energy efficiency not only makes these organizations valuable partners in our effort for a cleaner, healthier environment, but it also helps them reduce their day-to-day energy costs – an important feat for any organization.”
“The Energy Department applauds the ingenuity and success of the 2013 Energy Star award winners,” says DOE Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy David Danielson. “These organizations are showing firsthand how energy efficiency improvements save money by saving energy – cutting energy waste, creating jobs nationwide, and protecting our air and water.”
The winners were chosen from nearly 20,000 Energy Star partners, including manufacturers, retailers, public schools, hospitals, real estate companies, and home builders, for their long-term commitment to climate protection through greater energy efficiency. Energy Star partners complete a rigorous application process that demonstrates their commitment to the partnership and the environment.
Organizations are recognized in the following categories:
Partners of the Year--Sustained Excellence: The 70 Sustained Excellence winners continue to exhibit exceptional leadership year after year in the Energy Star program while remaining dedicated to environmental protection through superior energy efficiency.
Partners of the Year: Forty-one organizations are receiving a Partner of the Year award for strategically and comprehensively managing their energy use. These organizations promote Energy Star products and practices in their own operations, in addition to providing efficient products and services to consumers and within their community.
Excellence: Seven winners are receiving awards in part for their superior efforts in the Home Performance with Energy Star program. The remaining organizations receive Excellence Awards
Check out the full list of winners on the official Energy Star site.