Establish a Continuous Air and Water Barrier with This Self-Adhered AWB
Siplast WALLcontrol Monolith VP Adhered Air and Water-Resistive Barrier (AWB) is a primerless, self-adhered, vapor permeable AWB made with technology that creates a monolithic solid sheet membrane. When properly installed, it establishes a continuous plane around the building with strong adhesion and no wicking or membrane disbanding. The dark film facer provides 12 months of exposed UV resistance. Low-temperature application provides installation flexibility, while high-temperature stability ensures long-term performance.
This product is a 2024 Product Innovation Award winner.
Judge’s Comment: “Its innovative design integrates a vapor-permeable membrane that allows for effective moisture management while providing superior thermal insulation. This is especially important for enhancing the durability and performance of building facades in various climates.”