New certification framework provides criteria for location-specific green energy.
The Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) has established a new global energy certification framework that will help FMs identify whether their energy sources meet the baseline requirements for regional and country-specific Green-e standards.
The Green-e Framework for Renewable Energy Certification provides consistency for the Green-e program, which promotes the use of renewable energy via standards and certifications. The implementation of the new criteria will enforce renewable energy generation, transactions and use, while also addressing local stakeholder and market development goals.
The new criteria serves as a baseline for the more specific location-based Green-e standards while outlining the technical requirements for renewable energy transactions that take place through electric service providers, direct power purchase agreements and on-site generation. The following are required for Green-e certification:
Comes from newly created renewable electricity generation facilities
Meets resource-type eligibility screens to promote sustainable energy types
Contains all of the environmental attributes of the generation that can be owned, including all carbon dioxide attributes
Can consistently be used for Scope 2 emissions reporting
Fulfills the advertising claims made by the seller, is not sold more than once and is not claimed by any other end user
Is not counted against existing governmental renewable energy mandates
Under the new criteria, FMs will have a better understanding of their energy’s green impact relative to their region, and those that buy electricity from Green-e sources will have greater oversight of the sustainable efforts made at their facilities.
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